MARCH 5, 2009


7:00 P.M.  Called meeting to order.  Present:  Paula B. Keefe, Ellen Abelson,

                  Richard Gorden and Mark Mazur


1.  The Board took the following action on a fiscal year 2009 exemption application for           

      the owner of the following parcel:


            Parcel 102-106            Cl. 17D            granted


2.  The Board briefly discussed the Performance Evaluation of the Administrative

     Assessor for calendar 2008.  The Board decided to put off completing it because

     of time constraints related to choosing a new Administrative Assistant.


3.  The Board took the following actions on fiscal year 2009 applications for abatement

     for the owners of the following parcels:


            Parcel 74-21                Denied

            Parcel 86-15                Denied

            Parcel 48-14                Denied

            Parcel 72-78                Denied

            Parcel 72-60                Denied

            Parcel 15-8                  Denied

            Parcel 101-25              Granted

            Parcel 93-80                Denied

            Parcel 22-19                Denied

            Parcel 97-1                  Denied

            Parcel 120-36              Denied

            Parcel 31-65                Denied

            Parcel 81-108              Denied

            Parcel 103-24              Denied

            Parcel 91-32                Denied


8:05 P.M.         The Board was joined by Finance Director Bill Fowler and went into

                        Executive Session


9:10 P.M.         The Board returned from Executive Session and adjourned their

                        Board meeting.